

is a distinctive film, education and integration project


Through the last couple of years there has been an ongoing focus on people who have sought refuge here in Denmark.

We have decided, therefore, to undertake an effort to get to know these groups of people better, these groups we normally identify as “the others” – refugees, immigrants and new Danish citizens.

We will especially focus upon the young people from these groups, that through misunderstandings, cultural differences etc. now find themselves on the edge of Danish society that comprises of the norms we habitually lay as bases for our social code of order and the community that we are all proud to contribute too.

We will tell a story that can travel around Denmark and Scandinavia and that can aid in bridging the gap between “them” and us. We will expand people’s horizon and create dialogue with the media made for this purpose; the film.

The film’s narrative will focus on the young people who feel rejected by society and the society itself which finds it difficult to integrate these young people when antagonism and misfortunes often overshadow even the best intentions from either side.

But the film and the story should not be generated in the traditional way and should not exist just as a one-off film production.

We want more.

We want to use the project as an integration opportunity. A proposition for the future possibility of the young people, by making it as personal as it is educational and enabling a spring-board to greater self-esteem, and also helping show a society that they until now most of all had seen as an opponent and perhaps in the future more drastically as enemies.

The young find themselves in a kind of LIMBOLAND.

The past is packed with unbelievable and rough experiences where only few can imagine that you can survive the aftermath of this life.

The present time is pure survival in a pretty lonely world, and the future is nothing that you talk about because you don’t believe in it.

Project LIMBOLAND will, through workshops with the young people and professional actors, film crew, teachers, psychologists and social workers, create an exclusive, never-before-seen project that melds a strong and real film together with seminars where the young people present the film around Denmark as well as engage in a 3 year education on Zentropa.

The young people receive in this project a unique opportunity to be able to create a better and brighter future for them.

The film is produced with support from The Danish Film Institute, Talentpuljen, as well as Danish and international TV stations. The film has its premiere through the distribution company SF Film all over Denmark and in the greater Scandinavian cities. To be successful with the film’s afterlife the young people travel with the film and we prepare school material, workshops and the education of the young people. This, however, requires economical support from a row of socially aware communities, ministries, funds, companies and institutions.

Only through a support like that are we able to create this vital project.

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